Web Design

Website Transformation

From a simple website to a responsive, mobile friendly, & SEO optimized Modern Website







The most fundamental step is learning what your business goals are, and how you would like to achieve them. A great website is not only a page showing a few nice pictures, but also a place where you showcase your products and communicate with your potential customers. You can tell a story, teach a course, or give away incentives to your visitors on your website. We will help convert your business efforts to final transactions.

When it comes to the design part, we take pride in our talents and decades of experience. It can’t be denied that many people can build a website. But to be honest, most of them are just not that well designed. A well-built website should not only be functional and good looking, but should also have great marketing sense that eventually turns a visitor to a customer.

Launching the website is not the final step. In fact, if you’ve built an e-commerce site, launching is just the first session of the journey. You can still do much about it, such as SEO (search engine optimization), blogging (keep your customers posted), and regular updates on the site as well as social media. With all that being said, building a new website is like opening a new chapter, and we are excited to enjoy it with you together.


Auto Warehouse

A car dealership that prefers both English and Spanish on the website for different target audience. This website needs a clean background with lots of vehicle images to showcase the inventory and deals. We used their theme color blue and white to present simplicity and give contrast to different colors of vehicles.

Illinois General Remodeling Service

A local construction company wants to emphasize their roof repairing and replacing services as well as how they can help house owners file insurance claims regarding roof damage. We implemented appealing call-to-action messages and images of their work to show their authority and professionalism.

D&D Finer Foods

We redesigned the website for this local grocery store that offers online order form submission for grocery and liquor products. The store also would like to promote its deli sandwich and weekly deals. We used theme colors-Greenery and True Blue-to highlight freshness and good quality. We also provided lots of graphic designs for promotional ads and banners.

Villa Nova Pizza

This is a 55-year-old legendary pizzeria doing rebranding: Redesign of logo, package, menu, and website. The site needs to nicely showcase their signature pizzas and the great story of the pizzeria. We used images taken in-store and a creamy background to present an authentic and comfortable feeling. 


The owner of this auto locksmith service company asked us to design a simple 2-page website to introduce their newly-purchased brand CarKeeyz to the public. We used black, red, and white to create strong contrast to give the brand a fresh look and get visitors’ attention.

Al Gelato Chicago

We redesigned this e-commerce site for a 30-year-old gelato manufacturer. We chose new fonts and icons to inject some energy to the old-fashioned brand. We also launched new series of Facebook posts to gain attention from their old customers.